The size of the kite chosen for kitesurfing may invariably set you for success in your endeavor or probable hardships along the way. A larger kite will render situations quite dangerous while a too small of a kite can lead to frustration. This is why the right size is extremely important when choosing a kite for kitesurfing. So, how do you select the best kite for kitesurfing purposes? Here are some of the most important factors to consider in this regard.
Rider weight plays a major part when choosing the best kite for kitesurfing. The more your weight, the more larger kite you require to get you on the board. Kite sizes range from 5 to 17 meters, which represent the fabric area of the kite. A smaller rider should first choose a single digit kite when he or she is learning kitesurfing. If you are a heavier rider, you should consider choosing a kite in the range of double digits. If you weigh less than 120-pounds, a 5-meter kite is recommended for you during the initial sessions of your kitesurfing exercise. People between 121 and 150-pounds should go for a 7-meter kite while those who are between 151 and 175-pounds should look for a 9-meter kite. Likewise, if you are between 176 and 200-pounds go for a 11-meter kite. All those who weight over 200 pounds should look at a 13-meter kite for that matter.
There are many other factors that play a major role when selecting the best kite size other than the rider’s weight. The average wind speeds at the local kite-boarding area plays an important role as well. The aforementioned kite sizes are good in areas where the average wind speed is between 15-25mph. If you plan to surf in an area that has a relatively lighter wind speed such as 10-15mph, you should be looking to choose a kite that is 1-3 meters larger than what was mentioned above. On the other hand, if you are kitesurfing in a area with a higher wind speed such as above 25mph, you should look to choose a kite that is 1-3 meters smaller than suggested above.
The kite board size is another factor that will influence your decision of choosing the right kite size. A smaller board or a wake board of 125-135cm will reduce the power of your kite by creating more drag while surfing. If this is your case, you have to increase the size of your kite at least by a couple of meters. If you have a board that is in excess of 160cm, you should consider a smaller kite. This is because it takes less power to get such a board moving on the water.
Your selection process may also depend on the season you choose kitesurfing. Different seasons have different wind patterns and strengths. Most places will have lighter winds during summertime and stronger winds during winter. Choosing a larger kite when the wind is light as well as a smaller kite when the wind is strong will help you become successful in your endeavor.
The aforementioned article provides important tips on choosing the best kite size for kitesurfing.